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Microscopy and Blood Micro Analysis

4 Weeks
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8 students

Microscopy is described as a continual journey into the inner universe, offering unique opportunities to understand the level of health and recovery potential of individuals. It enables the identification of challenges like oxidative stress and free radical damage in real time. The discussion revolves around dry blood analysis and the importance of understanding reactive oxygen toxic species and their impact on health and disease. The speaker highlights their extensive experience in attending courses, collecting blood cell slides, and documenting various structures observed in both live and dry blood. They emphasize the significance of darkfield microscopy and the historical background of its development.

The second part introduces Dr. Anil Bachchan, who has dedicated two decades to studying blood microscopy and has collaborated on a book related to anti-aging medicine. The speaker’s mission is to bridge the gap between traditional medicine, hormones, peptides, lifestyle medicine, and functional medicine. They share their background in attending postgraduate studies in lifestyle medicine and their passion for understanding live blood analysis. The speaker emphasizes that blood analysis provides valuable insights into the health of an individual and should be pursued for further examination. They mention influential books and colleagues who have contributed to the understanding of blood analysis. The focus shifts to Dr. Anil Bachchan, inviting him to share his observations and insights on live blood analysis in relation to complementary anti-aging and functional medicine.

In summary, the speaker discusses the significance of microscopy, particularly in understanding the inner universe of the human body. They emphasize the importance of real-time assessment through microscopy to determine an individual’s health and potential challenges. The conversation also delves into the field of live blood analysis, highlighting its relevance in anti-aging and functional medicine. The speaker’s extensive experience and collaboration with Dr. Anil Bachchan are mentioned, along with their shared passion for understanding the intricate details of blood analysis.

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